Difference between Vertical gallery and Blank flexible height Gallery

In this article, I will see two types of Layouts and their difference/advantage. Here I have created SharePoint online list as a data source, and I will use the same data source in two layouts in one screen.

I will describe step by step designs for understanding

Step -1: Login to the PowerApps and select an Environment then create a canvas app using tablet view (To show the difference side by side)

Step -2: In the Default Screen, Choose the Vertical gallery from the Layout in upper Insert tab

Step-3: Select the data source from the SharePoint online and select the custom layout

Step -4: It shows multiple records from the selected data source, and each record can contain multiple types of data.

Step -5: In the right side of same screen, Choose the Blank flexible height Gallery from the Layout and repeat the step-3 & step-4 as before. Then set the AutoHeight properties as true.

Step -6:  The below figure showing the difference clearly

Left side of picture showing the multiple record in Vertical gallery and the second record of this gallery we don't see all the items clearly; it looks like clumsy. On the other hand, the right side showing the Blank flexible height Gallery and each item appears properly in a separate control in this gallery control.

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Difference between Vertical gallery and Blank flexible height Gallery

In this article, I will see two types of Layouts and their difference/advantage. Here I have created SharePoint online list as a data source...

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