Make a Signup Screen in PowerApps creating credentials in SharePoint List

In this blog, I will explain step by step how to create Signup page or screen in Canvas app using SharePoint list.

Here I have created a SharePoint online list where I will store user’s information. When user clicks Register button, it will check the password and confirm password are same. If the condition is true, then all the inputted data store in SharePoint list and send an email to the inputted email and navigate to the Login Page otherwise it will show an error.

Step 1: Login to the PowerApps and select an Environment then create a canvas app using mobile or tablet view.

Step 2:  In a new screen, design a page with an edit form

Step 3: Next go to your SharePoint Online site and create a SharePoint list with four-column called Username, Email, Password and Confirm Password.

Step 4: (Connect to Data Source) The Data sources will appear on the left side of the page once you select the form. Then expand the Connectors and select the connection if it shows in that Data sources. Otherwise, you can easily select the SharePoint List, create a new connection by clicking + Add a connection and then add your connection. After that design a page as shown below.

·       Username (Textbox)

·       Email (Textbox)

·       Password (Textbox)

·       Confirm Password (Textbox)

·       Agreement (Text) with Check box

·       Login (Button)


Step 5: Now add the below icon for hide/show (Go to Insert tab -> Icons) and apply the below formula in the formula bar.

OnSelect = Icon. Hide [ For Hide]

OnSelect = Icon. Show [ For Show]

 Step 6: Next click on the Register button and go to the OnSelect property and add the below formula.

First if condition for checking password and confirm password are equal.

Second if condition for sending email to the registered user.

When the first condition is true then navigate to the Login Screen and send an email using power automate that are shown in below.

Otherwise, it shows error if the first condition is false.

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